We are providing Education and Boarding facilities for 1842 sponsored and un-sponsored students through Word & Deed School. In addition to the hostel children we have 646 students attending the Word & Deed School as day-scholars by paying nominal fees. We are also supporting 159 students for Graduation and professional courses who are studying outside in different colleges.
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Woord en Daad wants to fight poverty in Africa, Asia and Central-America from a Christian perspective. We operate in the following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Liberia, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Chad, Zambia, South Africa. Through local organizations we want to provide a decent existence for the poor. To do this, we make an appeal to everyone’s responsibility, both here and over there. Woord en Daad would like to be a strong and reliable link between you and the poor in our working area. Woord en Daad structurally cooperates with Christian partner organizations in the Education program, the Job & Income program (vocational traning, job mediation and starting small business), and the Basic Needs program (health care, water and agriculture).

Woord en Daad is an organization motivated by the biblical task to take care of our poor neighbor. Woord en Daad is aware that the fight against poverty takes place in a sinful world. Woord en Daad’s work is deeply connected to the anticipated advent of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness (Matthew 6:33a). Woord en Daad sees its activities as signs of this Kingdom.

Woord en Daad is an aid organization, not a missionary organization. As our mission statement makes clear, we do our work from a Christian perspective. This means that Christian education is given at the schools we support, and that our partners shape their activities according to a framework of biblical norms and values.

Woord en Daad wants to be accountable for the way it operates and the way it spends its funds. Therefore, we are always searching for an optimal balance between high quality and low cost. This means we attach great importance to working with highly qualified and motivated personnel. We also want to meet quality standards like ISO. We aim to provide clear insight in our activities and the results we achieve. In addition, Woord en Daad aims at low costs, and therefore we want to ensure that at least 90% of every donated euro will be spent on projects for poverty reduction (see chapter 8). In part because of the dedication of many volunteers (including 750 committee members), we have been succeeding in this for years. Reconciling the aims of low cost and high quality is not always easy to achieve. It forces us to look for efficient and creative solutions.


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